B20B with B16 head?


New Member
Hey everyone name nick and i have a 1992 EG Civic. i have B20B engine swap, GsR tranny, suspesnions done, intake headers echaust.

and now im wanting to put a b16B head on but to hard to find so justgonna get a B16a out of an SiR. want the Vtec Hight Revs and more HP ;)

so just wondering can this b done on stock B20B block? or whats Best way ofdoig this?



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Some machining has to be done. There are write ups on this galore..


New Member
as far as i know it is possible, a little machinig might be necessary, but im not sure, i heard that people do tose buildings but they use a b20b block and a p72 head (gsr)
