bad wastegate? or wastegate leak!?


Gina my Lady in red
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
2 days ago my boost was at 6psi (spring set at 6psi) now my boost is at 10psi + any oneknow what cause this? i do not have a boost controller. let me know whats ya opinion...and ideas...of what can cause this..also is there a way where i can check to see if i had a leak on my wastegate?


JDM H22A with LSD
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
sounds like the wastegate isnt controlling any boost so your boost is just goin how ever far it can, do you ever hit any fuel cut or boost cut? what type wastegate are you running?


Gina my Lady in red
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
some generic wastegate. it was good for a month or 2...but now its all crazy..maybe i should just change the spring?


That's my honda.
Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
Yah maybe it's time to get a better wastegate, see if that solves the problem.


Gina my Lady in red
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
imma see if the manual boost controller will help. 10 bucks lol


Faster than you
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
have you checked your vaccum line going to your wastegate to see if it has any holes or kinks in it?


Gina my Lady in red
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
hmm its werid the vaccum hose that u hook up to the boost controller, i pluig that and stuck a screw in and ziptie it. IT went back to 5psi. however still small amount of vaccum leaking from it. i think to get 6psi i need to just get a regular screw instead of the screw that have a hole.
