so this past week has been horrible. we have had 2 people killed in motorcycle accidents, and yesterday morning they found a guy ( who i know and is in my squadron ) unconcious in his room. apparently it was a suicide attempt. they found him with his wrists slit and he had a blood alcohol content of .60 . at .35 it is possible you can die. he is currently in a coma at David Grant Medical center. its wierd cause i just hung out with this guy on friday. we had a couple beers and bull shitted about stupid things in life. i guess this goes to show that not all people that are suicidal show signes. we were told at 4am this morning that they dont expect him to live through tonight. sucks. please please please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. this kid is a all around good guy, dosent cause trouble and is a proud member of the United States Air Force.