belt tensioner bolt hole stripped out help


New Member
i just bought a d16z6 put it in, seen the timing belt was way loose figured that the belt was old, so i bought a new belt and tensioner. put it on same s**t, took out the motor this morning looked in bolt hole striped like crazzy!! , so ive read on other forums about helicoil and time- sert, really want to go with timesert cause it seems stronger but no one sells it at auto parts stores. i looked online for them 80 bucks cheapest i found i really dont care about the price but i dont know what kit i should buy because i dont know the bolt size and thread has anyone done this before and know exactly what to get ? are the time-serts trustworthy for something like this ?


Sick 6/6
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take the bolt to the parts store and they can gauge it for you... i also believe if you call a dealer they have the thread OD and pitch info as well.

im not sure what would be the best to fix it honestly...


New Member
Registered VIP
be very carful when doing anything like this on your block .

hellecoils are accepted and used in the trade .


New Member
did it yesterday worked great heli coil did the job now belts walking off theres no outer belt guide hitting junkyard tomoroow hopefuly this will end all of the misery with this car tired of this s**t lol
