Bent Frame


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i went in a ditch a long time ago, and ever since my hood is hard to close ( i went headon, it was real small thou but my bumper hit , not dents, just cracked a lil bit) but yea i 'm guessin my frame is bent and thats why its hard to close, the crack inbetween the hood and the car you can't stick anything in it on the left, and on the right its almost 3//8ths wide maybe 1/2inch not sure.

anyways, is there anything else it could be besides the frame being bent, and how much you think it would cost to fix that, or if its even worth it, i mean i wanna fix up my car, but not if i have a bent frame, and i swear my door panels are about to fall off. along with everything else that shakes, when i get 70 or so and coast its smooth, if i hit the gas, everything shakes. dunno whats wrong, i've gotten wheels aligned and balanced many of times.

anyways, let me know what you guys think

btw its a 94 civic ex coupe


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your s**t is pretty messed up man.. i suggest you take it to a repair place NOW and get it fixed, or if its too much damage, total it and move on. that is not normal, and if you keep driving it liek that, your just gonna make it worse.


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well if your frame is bent you're pretty much SOL

take it to a shop and like handlebars said, either get it fixed pronto or total it

EM1_ProJect's boosted
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damn dude...that sounds like somethin serious. i would egt it checked out but it doesnt sound good or cheap! good luck bro...let us know

Holly Golightly

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man you must have done a crazy conersion to have a FRAME on your car you might have bent the unibody but not the frame.


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slykandi said:
man you must have done a crazy conersion to have a FRAME on your car you might have bent the unibody but not the frame.
yah, i know its a unibody, but same thing pretty much cept its the whole thing together kinda, or something, i'm not too sure, why don't u put some light on it.


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Take it to a body shop you don't know what a bent frame looks like.
Have it fixed your car is not totaled. And stop driving like you have a jeep wrangler.
