Best Shocks


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What are the best shocks next to koni yellow's that are 300-400 dollars. Thanks.
(00 honda civic ex ground control coilovers)


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edhgreatone said:
What are the best shocks next to koni yellow's that are 300-400 dollars. Thanks.
(00 honda civic ex ground control coilovers)
I would say go with kyb agx's thats what I got and havent had any problems with them you can get them on ebay for like 300


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HaHa ^^^... yea that was my first choice how are the kyb agx's are they stiff? or are they pretty soft... i want something in between but a little more stiff but i don't really want adjustables... don't kyb's adjust to however you driving??


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edhgreatone said:
HaHa ^^^... yea that was my first choice how are the kyb agx's are they stiff? or are they pretty soft... i want something in between but a little more stiff but i don't really want adjustables... don't kyb's adjust to however you driving??
Yes they adjust to whatever you want them to they are soft and stiff since they adjustable


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why not get the kyb gr2? i just got them and i will prob install tomorrow wit my cousins husband, i'll let you know how they turn out. my cousins husband has them and he said they smooth, but we will see


JDM Biatch
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yomuppet said:
I have the KONIs :D
hell ya konis are the best of the best...well besides some sick full coilovers. the konis are worth the price.


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edhgreatone said:
HaHa ^^^... yea that was my first choice how are the kyb agx's are they stiff? or are they pretty soft... i want something in between but a little more stiff but i don't really want adjustables... don't kyb's adjust to however you driving??
Get Koni reds aka Koni Specials... they are cheaper, but still adjustable. The adjustability is only limited to being adjustable when the whole shock is off though. And when they have a lifetime guarentee on it, what more can you say?


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but i'm just getting shocks so my stock ones don't go out..... do shocks help your handling at all like when you turn or anything.... i thought they only help for bumps... i'm getting sway bar kit too... i don't have that many bumpy roads..... did somebody say that the kyb agx's were adjustable???


whats really good?
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i say tein Coilover System and they're not that expensive


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well i already ground control coilovers so i'm not worried about that i am just interested in shocks do shocks really help your handling and turning? or is it just for bumps and s**t.... if people says koni yellows are worth it then what the hell i'm going to get them i am not taking any shortcuts in going for the h22 swap.....
