bike rack on an ej8?


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So I'm wanting to get this bike rack on my ej8. ( I actually have a bike and I need the rack to bring it up to Madison where I go to school, I'm doing it cause it's "JDM", buuut, it does look nice on ej8's ). Anyways, the guy said that the rods connect via "rain gutters" on the car. Will I need different connector adaptors for it to go onto my civic? Or can I use this on that inside part of my door? :/


Basically my question is, are the little gutters right above my door, the rain gutters that this rack needs?


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Should go in the "gutter" of your door...that way it doesn't damage paint, can be unbolted, and most importantly....not get stolen.


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like in these pics you can see what I'm talking about as what I think is the "rain gutter" and it's separate from the door.



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You want me to text you pics of the thule rack on my hatch?


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^ I'm sayin, I've got a Thule rack on hatch. There are gutters on the roof of the car. The little black strips...the rack does NOT mount there.

Once you have a rack w/ feet and proper fit kit in hand, it's hard to mess it up (IMO).


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on coupes the foot kit fits on the the door but with the stretch kit the back cross bar will lay in the gutter, serculty obviously


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^ Looks like it's going onto or from a 4-door, which case the front bars go in the front door jambs, and the back bars in the back.


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i cant see the pics from my computer here at work, thanks for clarifying then also nice for the op toknow the different setups, incase he cares


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That 4 door isn't my car. Sorry, I just posted that as an example to show the gutters.

This is my car :



bustin' out the OEM goodz
5+ Year Member
you'll need the short roof adapter bars as well for the thule kit to work properly, along with the civic specific model feet that sit in your rubber lining

very decent kit for the money and easy to remove and reassemble without damaging the car

