they are actually a rare item. 75 is a lil steep but comming across one is prety hard.
i have a double din block plate in my hatch. came with the ctr climate controls. sells the double din one email them about the single?
this is how gay it looks without one. and a gay aftermarket cd player. [i liked the cd player but i wanted a civic si one to match the interior lights]
brought this thread back, now i need a block off plate, actually im looking for the jdm cf block off plate. anyone know where i can get it? im looking for the black on black cf.
i know has the carbon fiber block off plate for $59. but im waiting to get a email reply back with a picture. i hope its the same as the one in the picture.
i checked ebay already and found nothing. at this time of the year is kind hard to find jdm stuff. plus its harder to find the jdm cf.
i just got off the phone with jdmspecperf and i just got the last one. its a OEM jdm ek9 carbon fiber block off plate. i been looking for this for awhile now. im relocating my radio to where the cup holder is at.
i did the same thing, i like it better down there but watch your gonna catch yourself reching up for the controls he he he it took at least a week befor I stoped doing that. I'm gonna have to go check that place out its like a 40 min. ride from my house.