Body work or new parts. Headlight gap


New Member
Im new here hello all and I bought a civic about a week ago and the guy I bought it from has done a lot of work already but the one thing that is really bugging me is there is a gap between the aftermarket headlights and the fenders and I've come to the conclusion they r the Wong ones and I need new headlights or I need to fill the gap I was hoping someone with some aftermarket headlights could help me out. It seems like there should be some that fit perfect or maybe the guy messed up idk any in put would help


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its prolly not the headlights, its prolly been wrecked and not fixed back to spec


RHD is where its at
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Post pics. Aftermarket headlights usually dont fit well, but what Gary said above also happens all the time!

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New Member
Can't figure out how to post pics from phone computer is broken. But I'm planning on changing the fenders to z3 fenders the ones on there now look good and straight I'll try to post pics agin later


RHD is where its at
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Oh no...

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New Member
could be the front support beams the run from bottom to top infront of the radiator are bent a tad check them they hold they fender
