boost controller QUESTION !!!!


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HELLO, my friend have a CIVIC '99 SI whit a greaddy turbo kit. the only thing that he need to increase boost is the BOOST controller??, ( the turbo come whit a internal wastegate, and don't have a boost controller)

I Know that a b16a2 can't run more than 8PSI D.D., don't tell me that AGAIN. i know that!


Jspek kid
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an intercooler will raise your boost level as well........i'd use the boost controller to "control" boost levels from going too high. there are small ways to increase boost without gettin' the controller. there's also a way to turn up the boost manually, although im not sure of the process


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an intercooler will actually cause the boost pressure to drop between the turbo and the manifold.

You can make a boost controller for like $10 with parts from any home depot, or you can buy manual boost controllers from many different companies. I'm currently using the HP TurboXS boost controller. There is always the option of going with an electronic unit, which is more accurate, and won't fluctuate with changing temps, but then they run in the $400+ range.

The wastegate has a spring in it that opens when there is so much pressure in the system. A boost controller just controls the amount of pressure that reaches that spring. So as long as the system is hooked up correctly without a boost controller you shouldn't have any issues with overboosting as it will open when the set pressure is reached.

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Boost or Die
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I have a manual one. I bought it for like 5 bucks. It looks almost exactly like that DIY one. I'm going to by an electronic one eventually, but for the 8psi Im going to run on stock internals, this one will be fine for the time being.

Team 4R

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if you're going to turn up the boost then just get an ebc.... it's not worth rebuilding your motor just because you wanted to save cash on a manual controller that only works most of the time.


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Why the lack of trust in a manual boost controller?


professional a*****e
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mbc's work perfectly fine. 9psi daily on a stock 93 si motor for almost a year and still running perfect....93 celica gt-4 on 15psi daily. gee your right, mbcs the amount of driving and the level of driving that is done in these cars (personal freinds) a mbc is just as good as a ebc, unless you are going for allllll out power.


None Taken.
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if your using a greddy blue box, say goodbye to your motor, you cant run any more boost on that thing or you lean out and detonate. and mbc's that use the fish tank bleed valve cause slow wg response, which increases lag and increases the chance for a boost spike. a real mbc is much better, but an ebc is best. try to find one used on ebay or parts trader or something to save some money.


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IS so bad the greddy blue box?, the car can't run 8-9psi whit that??, the increase is so little, i think the kit come whit 6psi.


OG スバリスト
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the blue box is a piece of s**t... your friend is much better off with the v-afc hack


professional a*****e
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vafc is a cheap way of fuel tuning, which is where people skimp ALL the time. get the sds eic (requiring a missing link and gm 3-bar map), or hondata. Both of said items work they way they are suppose. the apexi hack is just as it is stated, a hack. the apexi unit is NOT made or intended on doing what people are using it fore (not saying its unreliable) but spend the extra 150-200 and get the sds eic.


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are you guys talking about the blue box meaning the emanage system?


OG スバリスト
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blue box = the predecessor of the e-manage
