boosted d16 question


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5+ Year Member
i have a td04 greddy turbo with a internal wastegate at 5 psi. now my question is i have a single stage turbo xs boost controller and i got bored the other day and wanted to up it. i turned it up a few spins then nothing. did that a few mroe times then turned it allll the way and my boost didnt increase at all. the boost did come alot faster it felt like though, as if it was spooling faster. is there a reason why the boost wouldnt have increased? are manuals only able to adjust up to the amount of rated wastegate sping or can it surpass that number?? and electronics can adjust up to however amount since it has the solenoid.

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10+ Year Member
how is the boost controller hooked up?


Taking an H-T break
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5+ Year Member
if your tuned for a certain amout of boost, DONT f**k WITH IT or youll be rebuilding your set up very soon! thats if it is hooked up correctly.
