Borg Warner Turbos?


Tin Foil Member
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Anyone heard/has one of these? I have been doin some research and stumbled across them and they seem pretty badass. I guess there are some blades that stay in or spin out to help reduce turbo lag...or at least thats what i got from it. ill post up a link here soon when im not at school.


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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i work on diesel engines and i see borg warners on alot of the engines we have here at work. from what ive heard theyre great turbos. borg warner is a worldwide corporation. one of their main divisions is turbo and emissions engineering.
idk anyone who has one on a civic though


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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check out this site. its got alotta cool stuff about turbo facts, principles, etc.


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i believe titan motorsports or revv motorsports are using them on there 1000HP+ 2jz's. on supraforums there has been talk about them about how they spool up sooner than some garrett gt turbos. I believe there a little bit cheaper as well.



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Borg Warner turbos are very good. They make some in Asheville NC roughly 1.5 hours from my apt. I know several people cooping there and hear nothing but good things about their products.


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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i was reading on the website and it says they make turbo kits for Schwitzer. im guessing the Schwitzer bmw's ? idk:what:
