BOV flange


ED... like a big go-kart
5+ Year Member
So I need to get a flange for my BOV, but I dont know what to get. I have been looking at pipe kits and notice some come with flanges for specific types of BOV, can I get something to make by BOV bolt up to those flanges? This is the type of BOV I have. Not sure if the threads are supposed to be there it was a used BOV when i bought it...



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(Idea), goto your local hardware store. Find some nylon tape and typical iron piping or whatever your IC is; match the threading. Then have your machine shop (or yourself) weld it on the IC piping.. whala!


Spoolin single cam!
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looks like regular NPT thread. just get a pipe nipple the same size and weld/thread it into your charge pipe

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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5+ Year Member
wow havent seen that bov yet......hmm...drill a hole in ur charge pipe and weld them bitches together....
