bov placement..

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Ok, quick question.. I see most blow off valves installed just a little ways downwind of the throttle body, or somewhere in the middle of that upper charge pipe (like on a stock dsm) and then sometimes you can see it right in the bumper just past the endtank on an fmic.. Is there any method to this madness??


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I was reading an article a while back about cars that would come turbo'd older cars that is. What they would do is but the bov close to the turbo so when they let off the gas the bov release all the boost close to the turbo and still keep charge in the upper intercooler parts. This would also keep boost from hitting the compressor wheel and spinning it the wrong and well we know what happens then. with it closer to the TB the bov would go off releasing all the pressure in the pipes but you lose turbo response because it is recharging the pipes. Also allowing boost to surge backwards in higher boost cars.

Thats what I read weather that helps or makes any sense to you I don't know

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that does make good sense man, thank you.. but then i wonder how come its not so common.


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i read on or something like that that putting the bov (for civics anyway) around 1-2 feet from the TB was best..but iunno..depending on what car ur tuning depends on where you put it..on my dads supra..its by the turbo/charge piping instead of the intake piping..but i'd like to know to so i dont do anything bad to my engine


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i seen one mounted behind the bumper where you could see it thru the bumper, would rain be a factor in this case.

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no, because the blowoff valve is only output, no air (or water for that matter will get in)
I'm willing to bet that even if you sunk a bov underwater, no water would get into the piping. Because there is so much air blasting out, you have nothing to worry about.


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Your turbo will last longer if you but it closer to the turbo and in a civic I don't see why it would be any different. I mean if you want to have the bov by the tb then go for it but i am in the middle of my turbo build and I am putting it closer to the turbo.


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i havent seen a turbo'd civic with the bov on the charge piping yet..alwaise on the intake side of the intercooler
