BOV sounding funny...


aka babymilo36
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Yesterday I was painting my hood with my friend and he put some sea foam into the vacuum hose connecting to my BOV without asking me. After that, my BOV started sounding like a whistle and today I ran my car hard to see if I was boosting and my boost gauge just went to 0. I don't know if my boost gauge connectivity was messed up too but my car did feel a bit slower than usual. He said the sea foam would evaporate eventually but is there anything else I can do? It was in a little bottle but I didn't really get to read it. It just said something about a vacuum hose cleaner or something. I already bought a new vacuum hose today and replaced it but it still sounded the same. Thanks in advanced.


Tin Foil Member
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10+ Year Member
your bov works mechanicly...theres not really anything seafoam can do to your bov. You might take it apart and put some new grease in there where the piston slides but i wouldnt fret on it.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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Registered OG
5+ Year Member
damn that glad none of my friends are that retarded....i would whoop there ass if they messed with my car without telling me....get new friends lol...

otherwise take apart the bov and clean it....


Taking an H-T break
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5+ Year Member
I'd put some Jig-a-loo lubriant that doesnt drip, attract dirt and put it all back together... pretty much what II3oosted said. :word:
