Business Risks essay...please help!!!


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Im doing an essay for my english class on the risks of starting a business. I have done much research but i want to also include testimonies of people who have actually experienced going through starting a business. If you have started a business and succeeded or failed (having testimonies from both ends would be nice) or going through the process i would like your input please. Please leave any comments on the risks, and process of it ONLY if you have done it or plan to do it. thank you for your help guys

p.s. I may be PMing you guys if i really would like to quote you and use your real name, i will only do this with consent from your guys, unless you post it here.


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bump this is due thursday draft today so any help would be appreciated


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I think you should walk into a couple local family owned shops. I can think of a couple off the top of my head in my area that are family owned/worked. Just be nice and let them know what you are doing. They will probably help you out.


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well im getting my haircut tomorrow, same guy thats done it since my first one ever, so im defiantly asking him to do a quick interview for me to help out since he runs it and besides this new girl that just came on board does all the cuts and what not.

but thanks for that input i may have to make some runs tomorrow
