CAI help......???


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I recently bought a cheap CAI off ebay for my 97 dx hb, (wanted something to hold over till a swap in the summer) Has anyone installed one of these? The air filter is funny and there is a plug into the side of the plastic piece the airfilter itself sits on, I was wondering how to still the intake, and what to do with the plug? Any pics/help would be great. Also on the same hb, how are the bulbs changed? is there a clip or something I need to work on ?

Thanks for any help


iVTEC, do you?
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You should post pics... hard to tell what you're talking about.


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intake question, pic


This is the stock intake, the top half and filter removed, now if I want to install a CAI what do i do with the plug (circled) and the lower half of the plastic box itself? I've put an intake on before but it was an accord and much simpler. Any help would be great.



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It looks like you need to remove the rest of your stock airbox, then clamp on the CAI pipe, then clamp the filter onto the end of that. There are some good instructions you can download, check Mr. Google. Good luck man =)


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with that enormous pic I can't really tell what that is but all you have to do is completely remove the stock black plastic intake piping, there will be piping to the TB to the box and then piping after the box(behind the bumper) you need to take it all off then your CAI should fit fine


CCCC member #76
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the thing that you circled is the sensor that you connect onto the CAI too.
