California laws?


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So I've pretty much made up my mind on moving to cal. I'm taking the civic with me, now is it even possible to make it legal. I'm switching to a jdm b16b, and it already has non carb legal parts. Thanks for any help


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RHD is where its at
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Amazing. Fùck Cali smog laws...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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5+ Year Member
^ As far as I remember he swapped in a USDM B18C1 from the same year. A lot easier since it was a USDM. It's possible to make a JDM motor legal but needs some work to make it pass smog. Their was an article in honda tuning just recently on how to make a JDM motor pass smog.


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^ very true i forgot about that part, but he would know first hand all there rules and such and what he had to do to his at least to get it to pass and the rules on swaps passing.


4 Banger Deluxe
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Or you have where I live and inspection is almost a joke... no smog/ emissions.. my frineds 90' hatch passed with holes in the rockers!


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Haha so not used to this, I had my Jiffylube connections in Utah so it's was totally no worries ;)


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there is no smog what so ever where i live you dont have to pass anything cause there is no test.
