cam timing


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5+ Year Member
i need help i also have a 95 sol w/ turbo b18a converted obd1 the car sputters from 1,000 rpm to 2500 can rev as high as i want but when u let off it kind of sputters then dies out so i adjust ignition timing gradually all the way to the one side runs better but not perfect and cant adjust it any further. im running a base map neptune from jeff evans. do you think i need to adjust cam timing or run it to break in w/o boost and just let him do everything else??? or adjust cam degree???? anyone have experience????


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5+ Year Member
Your cams should be set to OE specs, meaning they line up with the rear timing belt cover lines. If you take off your valve cover you can look at the cams. You should be able to jack the front of the car up and turn over the motor manually by the crank pulley nut. Then see if your cams line up. If they don't, well then you're timing is off and you need to remove your timing belt and reposition your cams.


10sec dd or BUST
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10+ Year Member
What stage cams do you have in it? If they are stock cams then yeah make sure they are inline with the lines. However, if they are aftermarket cams, they need to be set as close to manufacturer specs but prolly wont be exact due to having to be fitted and degreed with a cam wheel to be set properly


New Member
5+ Year Member
ok thanks i already checked that they are in time i guess i will ust break in the motor and let evans tune it right


Young Apprentice
5+ Year Member
If its a brand new motor you should break it in off boost. The added pressures from the boost will make your rings wear wrong. Also, it may be sputtering because of your "base" map. Base maps are intended for a general setup, but every motor runs different and has different needs, that where tuning comes into play.
