Can you nipple off an oil pan drain line nipple without problems??


New Member
Basically want to know if i can use a (im guessing its a vaccum line hose nipple) rubber nipple to close off the oil drain line bung on my d16y8 while its n/a.. Im going turbo ina about a month or less and dnt know if running my car like this will be safe... not tryin to blow my motor cuz the all oil decided to just burn through the nipple, u knw?

Heres a pic of it, ull see it on the oil pan of course...



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i dont really understand, but if your wanting to block it off for now until you get boosted..get a hose that'll fit the nipple..get a big bolt and plug the other side and use those little screw clamps to tighten both sides


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nope..just make sure to use a thick hose


That's my honda.
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You could use one of those nipples.. they do make them big enough I'm sure.


No Fun
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Yea man think about it, your Radiator uses hose and its the same temp so shouldn't be any issue =)

But keep it very tight so it doesnt leak
