Can't Shift

Tre Jones

New Member
Hate to ask 2 questions in a row but I need this fixed and I'm having trouble finding answers. So when the car is off I can shift into every gear. When but when the engine is running the car wont shift into first at all and its extremely hard to get into all the other gears. I basically had to grind the hell out of them to get it into second so I could get home. Also when I press down the clutch it goes to about an 1 1/2 off the ground before it even gets hard to where it used to be (Where it should be). Then when I let off the clutch it sticks where it started to get hard on the way down. This happened all of the sudden. My clutch was fine the time I drove it before. I t would be hard all the way down. Please ask to clarify if you don't understand..I'm known for being vague. Thanks


52mpg? I do it all day.
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well first thing to do would be check for leaks in the entire clutch fluid system, if none are found, do a flush, fill, and bleed then if that doesnt work, flush and fill the trans (having old or very dirty fluid can cause syncro issues that youd never believe it could, and if all thoes fail try replaceing the slave and clutch master cylinders.

thoes are the things i would do and the order i would do them in just because its going from cheapist to most costly. and for what ever reason if that dosnt work, id say you have worn out syncros..


New Member
Same issue 2 days ago, my master slave cylinder was leaking.

Tre Jones

New Member
Ya I've been reading on it and all the symptoms are pointing towards it...thanks

Edit:Yup that was it so I flushed and bled the slave cylinder now it works fine


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From what I've read, you should generally change the slave and master cylinders at the same time.

Also, other things can cause the issue you were having. But glad to see that it was an easy fix :thumbs up.


New Member
Glad you found an easy fix, my hatch was giving me the same issues. Found out one of the springs in my disc was ready to commit suicide.
