Car Scene


New Member
Hey guys I'm trying to figure out how to get into the car scene in Louisville ky. I've tried fb I don't have any real social media like Instagram or whatever. Is there a way you guys know about local meets and stuff? Is there an app or website I can visit to get to know/ get notifications on it?

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I had a Civic once.
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Keeping tabs on your local performance shops or keeping an eye out for tagged cars. Just generally introducing yourself and starting a conversation with someone when you see they have a nice car. I don't go to any of the local meets around me (my car is a pos) but I'm always on the lookout for cars and groups. One guy around me has a sweet tucked newer civic sitting on followers I've talked to him a few times.


Mr. Search
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Get a FB account, search...

I found "Honda Scene of Loiusville"....
