car won't start and other gremlins


New Member
hey everyone, i just got a 92 civic yesterday. It was running ok but had a huge leak from the valve cover. finally got it home but now it won't even attempt to turn over. i just changed the battery and it would spin over but wouldn't catch. pulled off the fuel line going to the throttle body and noticed i wasn't getting fuel. before this the car was running pretty decent. when we finally got it home the ignition seemed messed up so i took the plastic pieces off the column and saw that the ignition was busted off the column. now when i finally get the key in and get the ignition turned over all the lights work, but the car doesn't even try to turn over. I'm fairly certain i will have to replace the entire ignition. that being said what fuses if any control the fuel pump, and where are they. Any ideas what i should start checking? This car seems to have a long ways to go til i can have it up and driving again.


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why would you buy a car with that many problems? also sounds like a stolen car


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The main relay is supposed to prime your fuel pump. Turn the key to "on" without attempting to start the car, and you should hear the fuel pump prime. Also the check engine light should go out after the fuel pump primes. Are you throwing any check engine lights? (light doesn't go off even after the fuel pump primes) if so, pull the code an go from there.

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New Member
my wife ran a vin search to make sure it wasn't stolen. honestly it seemed like a good deal for 850. it needed a valve covergasket and has some exhaust leaks but no biggie. wife pulled over to put oil in it and it just wouldn't start back up. I put a new ignition on order this afternoon so when i get that in it should be all good. I think it was the ignition, it got to where it wouldnt take the key. anyway got another question. I changed the valve cover gasket and noticed one of the posts that hold it on was shorter than the others. looks like they broke some threads off it awhile back. how hard is it to replace one of those? where can i get them at? also anyone have any ideas on the trunk not staying shut? was working fine but now it won't stay latched. Where do most of ya'll order parts from? I plan on going to the local pick a part this weekend to pick up some odds and ends.
