cardboard trunk 'floor'


OG スバリスト
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i've had this broken for a while, that large piece of cardboard that creates the trunk floor, while hiding the spare underneath.... just wondering where to get another one for cheap... i'm gonna go look at some junkyards this coming week...

i was also thinkin about taking it out and using it as a template to cut myself another... what materials would you guys recommend i made this from?

oh, and i checked with honda a longass while ago and i think they wanted more than $60 for it.


world war wilson
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when i did my nitrous install i needed something more sturdy than the cardboard to mount my bottle on so i just took it out and used it as a template for some 3/8" thick particle board which is relatively lightweight and holds it's shape very well. i would recommend this because another cardboard piece is just going to break again anyway.


OG スバリスト
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thank you!! more info on this 3/8" particle board please?


world war wilson
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3/8" is the width of the board, you can go bigger... but that means heavier. 3/8" was enough to hold up my full 25lb nitrous bottle without sagging, so it's plenty sturdy but again, thicker is stronger. just go to lowes or home depot or something like that and get a sheet of it that's like 3 feet by 4 feet or whatever they sell. marker your old one on there template style, and cut it with a jig or mitre saw.


OG スバリスト
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is it just called a "particle board"? what exactly is it made of? that plywood stuff? as long as it's stiffer and sturdier than the stock cardboard, i'll be happy... my trunk carpetting is all messed up right now cuz of this


world war wilson
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particle board is recycled plywood. you don't need anything as sturday as plywood, and particle board is cheaper. and yes, particle board is it's correct name.


say no to rotas
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particle board is kinda like plywood but with smaller pieces of wood, then there's mdf (medium density fiberboard) thats what people make speaker boxes out of. It has really small pieces, its almost like sawdust pressed and glued together, good stuff though. A 4x4 sheet of either won't cost more than $10.


say no to rotas
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oh sorry i thought you weren't gonna respond, the time on these pages is off, stupid farmers


OG スバリスト
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lol, thanks for the replies guys. i'll be going to lowe's tomorrow afternoon and checking things out =)


world war wilson
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MDF is f**kin heavy though. i would ONLY recommend that for a sub enclosure. my bandpass box weighed almost 70 pounds.


OG スバリスト
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3/8" particle board is still sturdier than the stock board right? i still do my usual haulin' of stuff, especially when i go to the supermarket (i go once or twice a month) or if i'm gonna be on the road for a long time.


say no to rotas
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that'll be find for just normal use, to bad your not near me, mine is just collecting dust in the garage, my trunks full of speakers lol


OG スバリスト
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pics of your trunk plz!!!

damn, wish i could just stop by ur pad and pickit up lol
oh well, i'll have fun cutting lol... how hard is it to cut thru particle board? will a dremel work?


say no to rotas
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sorry, got no pics or digicam, its ugly anyways, i built the box pretty well, but its heavy ass s**t and so I decided to downsize instead of finishing it. 4 10's isn't necessary anymore, maybe 2 12's. I still haven't done that yet either though. I tend to have a lazyness prob :what:


Irish Devil
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partical board will work 100% better than the same thickness MDF....MDF tends to crumble apart under weight...partical board deffinately has a better tensile strength


say no to rotas
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oh and no a dremel won't work, unless you have that spiral cutting bit, that MAY work on particle board.


say no to rotas
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DredwerkZ said:
partical board will work 100% better than the same thickness MDF....MDF tends to crumble apart under weight...partical board deffinately has a better tensile strength
its always been the opposite for me, anywhoo, either will be enough to hold groceries


Irish Devil
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the spiral bit works pretty good on partical board....BUT...the piece you need to cut is quite large for a dremel to handle


say no to rotas
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come on dredwerkz, 200 more we need new porn 8)
