cf hood soon


boosted hx
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
well anyone who has seen my last topic knows that a deer ran into my fender and screwed it up well now i just hit a deer last week and screwed up my hood so i contacted my insurance and there in the process of figuring out how much money i get and how its getting repaired so i would like to buy a carbon fiber hood with my some of my insurance money and i was wondering if anyone thinks this|Model:Civic|Year:1996&hash=item5195ea12d9 would be ok or should i just buy a good brand name like seibon or vis?


New Member
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5+ Year Member
you get what you pay for.


Sex and Cars.
Option racing stuff is kind of sketch. IT doesn't really fit properly. and because there is a metal latch on the underside of the hood chances are the whole hood is metal and the only thing that's carbon fiber is the vinyl tape around the whole thing. Just a thought


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Skip the headache and go for Seibon
