lilvi3tboix1 said:
talkin about changing light for your cluster...anybody know how to take out the climate control?
that part kick my ass but i was able to do it. you gotta take out the radio first, and there are 3 screws you need to unscrew for the climate controls to come out. but before you take out the screws, you need to unlatch the cable for the hot/cold lever.look under the glove box to the left you should see a "bicycle brake cable" type cable. unlatch it from the black metal clip and just pull the metal wire thats wrapped around a plastic peg. then go back to the climate unit and if you take your finger and feel at both edges you will find like 2 screws on both sides. the ones you need to get to are the ones that are the hardest. the ones(2) closest to you. then there is one more all the way in the back straight in the middle of the climate control unit. to get to these three screws you will need a special tool called an "angle bit driver" or a "skewdriver" i have the skewdriver set wich is like 40 bucks but damn worth it. i use it also to get speakers out at work that are right where the windshield meets the dash board. just like the older volkswagons. good luck. lemme know if you still need help.