changing parts= rough idle


boosted ftw
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currently my b16 is boosted. now, the car has been sitting for the winter. i dont have my dp connected to anything. i can't get my cat. off. so i started the car, and the idle is really rough. bounces at 1k and builds up to about 2k rpms. it really sounds like the motor wants to die. now my theory is that im running really rich. i have aem uego wideband, but its not installed yet because i made a spot of it on my test pipe that i can't install because of the cat.

could this be my problem or do you think i have a vacuum leak?

Phantom Civic

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Did it do this ever before?

Did you leave gas in your tank over the winter? If you did then you have built up condensation and got water in your tank now.

I would get some fresh plugs and some water remover and yes you may also have a vacuum leak.


boosted ftw
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i mean i drove it probably once a week only on nice days. but that was probably only to the store for some milk andbread haha.

on the b16, the valve cover has a port near the oilcap, that goes off to like three or four different things. can those lines be removed?

Phantom Civic

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I think your talking about the breather. And yea that could even be ran open. Check the pcv line, brake booster line, cruise control line, and all the lines going to your turbo stuff.


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Having the DP off changes the back preasure so, it changes the a/f. Since the turbo can spin faster, there's more air. (That's my guess???)
