Cheapest insurance available?


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I'm looking for some cheap, cheap coverage. I would like underinsured motorist and some Personal Injury Protection. I don't care about property damage, I wouldn't get what my car's worth anyways. Anybody have any suggestions?


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i don't know if there in your state but a company called Dairy Land Insurance is the cheapest were im from i believe Costco also has auto insurance


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I have cotton states, it's like 37 bucks a month


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I'll check both of those out. Thanks. More suggestions welcome.


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My suggestion would call up the insurance agencies around you and ask for a quote. It doesn't take much time. There are too many variables for anyone here to give you an accurate answer.....just call.


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i live in the middle of nowhere. the only agencies i know of that have offices here are the big ones.


Your Mom's Moderator
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Dairyland is a part of Sentry Insurance and as far as I know in washington they are only for high risk insurance when pertaining to automobiles. They also have motorcycle and life insurance, but it doesn't look like they have normal car insurance.

We also have Cotton States Insurance. Don't know their rates here as I have never used them.

Like vjf915 said, you are going to have to do your own research. Insurance is calculated based on a ton of factors that are personal to the person being insured. One of them unfortunately being your credit score. Another thing that comes into play is where you live. Even if you don't insure for theft, your rates are still based on theft statistics in your area. Mine went up $15 a month just by moving from Puyallup to Tacoma literally 8 minutes away.


OG スバリスト
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when i had my civic, i got state minimum with esurance for under $200 every six months... and i had tickets at the time too


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got traction

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I really wouldnt suggest cheaping out on insurance. In many states, the mandated coverage amound is not enough to fix the typical car on the street. In the event that you got into an at fault accident with cheap insurance, you would be liable for the rest of the money. And with the economy in the dump and lots of people sue happy, this could ruin your life.
