check engine light CRX Please help


New Member
My car starts but will shut off !! I have a 89 crx si
Check engine light comes on and gives me code 9 which means its the distributor
My car can only rev to 3500 rpm

Do I need to adjust my timing
or is it my distributor causing the problem

I replaced the spark plugs and pcv valve already
Checked air filter and converter are not clogged

Im looking for anyone who might have had this problem
Or someone to help me
I really appreciate it


4 Banger Deluxe
Registered VIP
Does it struggle to get to it's 3500 RPM?


New Member
No but it idles bad once its at 3500
There was a day I started it and I could rev it all the way,
then it continued to idle at 3500 , sounds horrible
I'm at a loss hoping someone could help me


New Member
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Roll the crank to tdc then check timing, if that is good your dickstributor is bad.
