check this out

Bangin' HB

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since this is in FI, i guess you are refering to the equal length turbo manifold. if so, then ya, they are pretty sick! they supposedly help down low with turbo lag. so you got beauty and function all in one package.


professional a*****e
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ummmm im calling that that isnt your car, simply cuz its the only picture. plus you own a camry and a supra......... also, if you want to prove its yours, post more pics, and one of you outisde the car with the hood open eating a burrito and giving me the finger.


#1 a*****e
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lol, no it's not mine. i just thought it looked nicer than the traditional turbo manifold

do many people have this


professional a*****e
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only people who are serious about their turbo power output and spool time.

Sound Streamin'

Boost or Die
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Yes they are one hell of a lot nicer than the traditional log style turbo manifold.

I have an equal lenght but it's a cheap knock off one. I didn't feel like spending 800 bucks on one like in the picture.


Exit Speed Garage
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i'd buy it, how much is it, and where can I find one?
