taluzer45 4 Banger Deluxe Registered VIP May 1, 2012 #2 What are you trying to get at?.... Which chip goes good in a 9th gen civic? You also need specific details on the year, type ( 2 or 4 door), motor, if it has a swap, ect... thats too little info to even say anything.... But to CC never the less!
What are you trying to get at?.... Which chip goes good in a 9th gen civic? You also need specific details on the year, type ( 2 or 4 door), motor, if it has a swap, ect... thats too little info to even say anything.... But to CC never the less!
R3dline Respected Registered VIP Registered OG 5+ Year Member 10+ Year Member 15+ Year Member May 1, 2012 #3 bbq or sour cream and onion?
taluzer45 4 Banger Deluxe Registered VIP May 1, 2012 #4 R3dline said: bbq or sour cream and onion? Click to expand... HAHAHAHAHA !! or ketchup, All dressed isn't too bad!
R3dline said: bbq or sour cream and onion? Click to expand... HAHAHAHAHA !! or ketchup, All dressed isn't too bad!
TigBitties Frame Bangin Registered VIP Registered OG 5+ Year Member 10+ Year Member May 1, 2012 #5 starts with the word kpro, and ends with a $800 dollar price tag
GTWYC New Member May 1, 2012 #6 Okay I see. Too new. Then I'm wrong about a lot of things. 2012 civic four door, stock everything 1.8, what's good starting plans ?
Okay I see. Too new. Then I'm wrong about a lot of things. 2012 civic four door, stock everything 1.8, what's good starting plans ?
TigBitties Frame Bangin Registered VIP Registered OG 5+ Year Member 10+ Year Member May 1, 2012 #7 hey your from pa! me too. my friend nick just got a 2012 also
R3dline Respected Registered VIP Registered OG 5+ Year Member 10+ Year Member 15+ Year Member May 1, 2012 #8 im not even sure they make alot yet for the 2012.
GTWYC New Member May 1, 2012 #9 PA all day, yea I didn't think so, looking online I wasn't able to find much unless it's for an SI, and I don't think There interchangeable
PA all day, yea I didn't think so, looking online I wasn't able to find much unless it's for an SI, and I don't think There interchangeable