Civic auto 92 eg6 problems please help


New Member
Hi I have a 92 Honda civic with the b16a engine ,I have 2 problems.

When I raised the front wheels off the ground and put it in drive ,one wheel doesn't turn as fast as the other and I was able to stop the wheel with my foot.left front wheel. I thought both wheels would be driven with engine?

My second hassle is my brake lights won't turn off ? I've checked each wheel ,the rear wheels are drum brakes. My brakes all work fine ,all wheels move freely ,any ideas were to check?
Thanks for any help ,
Greg in New Zealand .

Vtec Missing

New Member
The problem with the brake light you might want to check the brake light switch above the brake pedal.


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Front left doesn't spin with the motor unless you have an LSD transmission.


New Member
Thanks vtech missing and lethal6 ,it was button above brake peddle ,thanks you saved me a few dollars.
