Civic buying decision help


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5+ Year Member
alright guys, i have an oppurtunity, and i figured i'd ask you guys for your opinion and input.

so, im going into the air force in july.
im buying a new car when i come out of basic, and i had two choices.

right now i drive a 1994 civic EX coupe, D16Z6 SOHC w/VTEC and a 5 speed.

my choices are, i really really like the body style of the EP3 hatchbacks,
so either a 2002-2005 honda civic SI, that i'll swap with a K20A2
i love the new K20Z3's,
so a 2006-2008 honda civic SI.
let me know your opinions guys, thanks


I eat rice. And beans.
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5+ Year Member
EP3's are for girls. 8th gen Si FTW!


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the ep3's are cool. the new si is just simply amazing tho. get what you can afford. i have an oo si but after this i'm thinking about eventually getting the 08 si fully loaded.


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5+ Year Member
im not wanting one that new though, the only thing i have to have,
is one that hasnt been modded at all.

its MY job to molest it :D


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5+ Year Member
I Hope you have some kind of money planned out. Your not gonna make crap right out basic, you wont have any money from the Air Force until practically middle of tech school. Make sure you can afford this, if not you can get into some major ass trouble for that, had a guy here on base get discharged because of his money problems. Also take into consideration when going to your first base, they will reimburse you on traveling but make sure to have the cash before you go. It takes over a month sometimes 2 to get any travel money back on to your pay checks.

Also your pay checks while in basic pays for your uniforms and supplies required while in, so you wont have any money during or after basic until middle of tech school when your a regular.


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The new Si is far superior to the EP3. However, if you enjoy modifying the car to meet or exceed the new Si, the EP3 is a good platform to start from.
The new Si is fun to drive. I've had mine a year and almost 33,000 miles and it is still fun to drive, exciting, all that and still 100% stock aside from maintenance items.
Let us know what you pick!


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swap a k20a2 into your 94 coupe... just my opinion

but if I had to choose between the ep3 or the new si.. I'd have to go with the new si


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This is like the 3rd thread that is basically asking the same as the other two.
