clean bay


#1 a*****e
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yey for 409 a rag and a toothbrush.

got my bay cleaned up a bit after the winter. moved a few wires around and did away with some useless stuff.


I like pie.
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i like, i like. i should clean mine...


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its amazing someone who looks so scruffy could have such a clean car.. lol

looks great...

Genuine Rolla

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looks great man...I think you've gone done inspiried me to relocate my battery....and to really clean up my engine bay when I get the chance.


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damn...thats is pretty clean for a rag 409 and a toothbrush... well done


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Looks nice, any before shots? What do you use to paint your heat shield like a high temp paint or something?


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how the hell do you remove that many things....i like clean engine bays but not engine bays that look like half the stuff is missing.


#1 a*****e
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Jbuck2KCivic said:
Looks nice, any before shots? What do you use to paint your heat shield like a high temp paint or something?
high temp primer and high temp paint

yee ole school picture

schools out picture

Astheros said:
how the hell do you remove that many things....i like clean engine bays but not engine bays that look like half the stuff is missing.
how do i? hmm i just see something i dont like and if its not important i remove it or move it elsewhere.

its not that clean yet, in the future i;d like to clean it up a bit more. might have to pull the motor out sometime to really get at the engine harness


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Still lovin it :thumbs up. So 409 really helps eh? Any other cleaners? (Only reason why I ask is cuz we have no 409 in the house lol).


#1 a*****e
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amej8 said:
Still lovin it :thumbs up. So 409 really helps eh? Any other cleaners? (Only reason why I ask is cuz we have no 409 in the house lol).
any kinda cleaner that doesnt eat up rubber will work. i dont see the point in using degreaser to clean off dirt.

as with any type of cleaning simply spraying something with cleaner and then washing if off will never do ask good of jobs as actually scrubbing that area with the cleaner.


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whered u put the ground wire that came close to the driver side headlight?


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I really like what you've done so far, looks great.


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must be nice when you have almost nothing in the bay... I can hardly get to anything in mine. As for those like tucking wires and s**t, engine bays have wires and hoses for a reason, if you ask me its a waste of time. Can look nice but still a waste of time and can be a pain the as when trying to do heavy mods in the future...


#1 a*****e
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SiRcivic27 said:
must be nice when you have almost nothing in the bay... I can hardly get to anything in mine. As for those like tucking wires and s**t, engine bays have wires and hoses for a reason, if you ask me its a waste of time. Can look nice but still a waste of time and can be a pain the ass when trying to do heavy mods in the future...
hmm u must not know much about the wires that i tucked. i really only hid the harness that wraps around the front of the car, that controls the lights/horn/radiator fan and connects the ecu to the inside fuse box. the car still has wires and hoses for a reason, i just put them somewhere else and got rid of all the useless brackets that used to hold the wires in place. they;re they for a purpose originally, not to look good. they still are there, but instead they are somewhere more eye pleasing.
2slo4u said:
whered u put the ground wire that came close to the driver side headlight?
its still there, its just routed different. i;ll get a pic of it tomorrow, its raining outside now.
purplecivic_va said:
I like it a lot , any pictures of where you put the battery ?

Is it really difficult to move the battery ?
its in the back of the car. not really hard to move it, just if u do you will want to make sure its secure so it couldn;t fly up and hit u in a wreck. and u;ll need a battery box.


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You took my comment a little to personal, it was meant as just a geneal post not directed at your car or anyone else.
