Club Discrimination

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New Member
This is addressed to moderators and those who initially started the site.

I am new to the site, mechanical, and Honda tuning world. I joined this site to find acceptance in a place with common ground.

I am finding discrimination and just down right bad attitudes towards so called newbs who are supposedly making this site a worse place. Myself and other are talked down to. I feel disrespected.

My question to you... Is this site only for well seasoned mechanics and Honda tuners or is this a place where those that are starting out can find acceptanceÉ

I would like to know what the site mission is. I will stay or find somewhere else accordingly.



captin sleep0
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:lock: wrong section, perhaps pm a mod for the section you are having issues with?


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First off.. everyone lay off. We're not here to flame others. You'll recall that that is against the site rules.

Now, Sky - Can you shoot me a link to what you're talking about? I'll look into it, personally, and can give you a more informed response when I do. I can see deleted posts too, so I'll be able to see the entire thread of conversation. PM me the link. Next time you have a problem, like this, send a PM to a moderator. That is the quickest way to get results.

EDIT: Situation has been handled.

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