COD4 Punkbuster


Formally Green 91
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Ok so for about a month or so ive been getting kicked from servers for

restriction service communication failure pnkbstrb.exe heartbeats stopped

or losing key packets.

ive tried everything, turning off firewall and antivirus, unistalling PB, update, installed and ran PB services.

and i cant get it to stop kicking me, sometimes its fine for a couple hours then i will randomly get it, but lately its been with in about 2-5 mins of joining a server.

any help?


Rubbin on yo booty
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Do you have a pirated version of the game? Most of the time if you bought the game, they'll have a punkbuster already with it and your cdkey would work and so for....


Rubbin on yo booty
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Did the the installation have the punkbuster .exe with it? It should work... Usually the pkb would kick you out if someone else is on the same cdkey as yours.


Stickin' it to the man
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this isnt the option you want to hear... but reinstall the game.

you will lose your rank and all guns... unfortunatly


Rubbin on yo booty
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Yea, uninstall and re-install that hoe!


Formally Green 91
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reinstalled the game, still does it on PB servers


Stickin' it to the man
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reinstalled the game, still does it on PB servers
do you have a support ticket in with evenbalance?

i know they are slow to respond... but they still might give you some answers...

im going to install COD4 in a little bit on WIN7 just to see if i get these problems...

and did you try putting the error in a google search? it came up with a few things that maybe should try..


Formally Green 91
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do you have a support ticket in with evenbalance?

i know they are slow to respond... but they still might give you some answers...

im going to install COD4 in a little bit on WIN7 just to see if i get these problems...

and did you try putting the error in a google search? it came up with a few things that maybe should try..
tried everything, even made a thread on TRA forum (the server that i play on most and get kicked from)


Formally Green 91
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I get this message the most.



Formally Green 91
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i have disabled the fire wall, reinstalled the game and PB, ran PBsetup to update, and PBsvc

sometimes i can play for a while, sometimes within 5 mins of joining i get the PB kick.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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There have been a couple of new PB updates and some players are being kicked due to it.

Ive been digging information out as much as possible and believe the problem to be a firewall issue. PB is unable to communicate with some peoples computers due to their firewall settings.

There have been about three known PB messages which say something like

"Heartbeats stopped" , "Handshakes failed" and another initialization error,

PB is NOW running as a service (process) When you start BF2, your firewall needs to accept a service called PnkBstrB.exe which is in your PB folder.

If you go into your Trend, Norton, or Macafee firewall settings, add the above PnkBstrB.exe as a trusted service using the add button

Just updating your psetup.exe is not enough,


Formally Green 91
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ive tried adding it to mcAfee, but when i go into the setting to add it, there is no button or option to add anything, wtf.

Mr. Jollypants

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Honestly, it sounds like it's an issue with alot of people right now.


Formally Green 91
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hope so, been getting it for about 2 months or so.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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That long? Sounds like it an issue with your client then.


Formally Green 91
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like said unistalled and reinstalled everything. still no fix.

a guy on the TRA forum said
If you have a cable connection unscrew all connections from the wall or splitter and from the back of your modem. Reconnect making sure that you have not cross-threaded anything. If that does not work you could have a bad splitter. All else fails call your service provider and have your service checked. Generally speaking "corrupted or lost packets" are due to a bad internet connection...Also make sure you have the latest version of PunkBuster v2.207 | A1407 you can get it here [link=hyperlink url][/link] ...Also check any routers that you may be going through... COD4 needs to be set for both UDP and TCP with a port range of 28930 to 28960. Also... make sure that you are running only ONE firewall...If you are running two firewalls like Windows and Norton you WILL have problems. I would recommend uninstalling any secondary firewall and just stick with the stock Windows firewall. Lastly... make sure that you let both your firewall and your anti-virus program know that COD4 is to be trusted.... ;) Hope this helps...


I had a Civic once.
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Sounds like your connect has the hiccups.

Are you wired or wireless? Try restarting your cable modem and power cycle your router if you have one by leaving it unplugged for like 5 minutes.

My other assumption is if you're using a router, you need to use port forwarding so that there's a steady open port and so the router knows which local IP (not a gateway) knows which computer to relay the packets to.

I know for some online engines it's highly recommended. I think COD4 uses port 28960 from what I've heard?

Also, make sure router has uPnP enabled. If not.. that's your problem right there.

quote from some other forum who had similar problems to you:

man said:
Call Of Duty 4 28960 28960 TCP/UDP
Call Of Duty 4 20800 20800 TCP/UDP
Call Of Duty 4 20810 20810 TCP/UDP

There you go buddy, it did infact help my performance, and stopped the "connection interrupted" issues I had.
Give it a try.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Are you wired or wireless? Try restarting your cable modem and power cycle your router if you have one by leaving it unplugged for like 5 minutes.
5 minutes is over kill. 30-45 seconds is good enough.

My other assumption is if you're using a router, you need to use port forwarding so that there's a steady open port and so the router knows which local IP (not a gateway) knows which computer to relay the packets to.
Port Forwarding is not needed. I don't use it for any games, I only use them for torrents. Port Forwarding is not needed like it was 3-4 years ago.

I know for some online engines it's highly recommended. I think COD4 uses port 28960 from what I've heard?
Mostly for outdated online games. 99% of all newer engines should handle this correctly without port forwarding.

Also, make sure router has uPnP enabled. If not.. that's your problem right there.
No it's not.
