Code9 Help


New Member
I got code 9 on my d15b Vtec. The car backfires at high rpm so i started doing stuff to figure it out. I changed my Ignition wires, plugs, Fuel pressure regulator. I cleaned my IAC valve and VTEC screen as well. At first the problem seemed like it was gone but today i floored it and it still boggs out and backfires at high rpm. I couldnt tell you how high because i dont have a tac. Would the timing cause this effect? is there something else simple that could be the problem? the car still runs great other then that.

Also did Valve cover gasket, oil cap and Fuel filter


New Member
I wish i had a timing light. Does anyone know an average price it cost at a shop to get your timing adjusted? Some POS was messing with my timing without one and thats what probably put it out of wack


New Member
Ok so today i went and baught a Timing light. This is what i did.

Motor D15B Vtec-e Stock intake mani

I started this by pulling down that green box rubber thing in right side of dash. I surged it with some speaker wire So when i did it i watched the codes come up. I got code9 I already knew about this one. Valve position or TDC i think? And i got a new one. 43 Its Fuel system? As far as i know both of these will cause the backfiring/falling on its face. Well other then it being a D series

I went ahead and started tinkering with the timing to what i thought looked good on my light. Since i have never done this before im not sure if i did it right or not. But as far as i know it blinks on the white line every time so it should be set to factory setting? I went back and forth with it untill it looked good. Drove it a bit it seemed better but again at High rpm still falling on its face. just after 3rd stage vtec kicks in. backfires and loses power.

I reset the ecu when i got home so now im just looking over the fuel system. Im a noob but im trying here I took some pics. I found my pressure guage is leaking a bit so ill try tightening it a bit. I think there is something bigger going on here though. I smell gass but dont see a leak lol

I'm uploading pics now brb


New Member

I dont know if you can see the fuel coming out or not but thats what i found.

Can anyone tell me if thats wired right from these pics lol From the right we have 4-3-1-2


New Member
It was leaking a lot from my gas cap just now but im assuming since i just filled it up on the way home i didnt put the gas cap fully on. But i did get the fuel system code Before that. Now the ecu has been reset ill wait a couple of days and see if any more codes come up. As for going into high rpm I'm Assuming it will still do that but ill let you know after i drive it

So its on and off. Sometimes its shifting good sometimes its not. this is the sound. I had to make a gay ass slideshow to put sound on youtube lol

Cleaned Injectors made no difference... Maybe ill try new ones


New Member
I adjusted the Timing again today. This time I did it Correctly and my car runs amazing now at high rpm! Last time i set it way to advance I Wasnt doing it correctly. Glad i didnt mess anything up!

Ill update if the problem happens to come back


New Member
It didnt last long lol Its happening again... I got code 43 after a long drive. I did some researching and decided id check my o2 sensor... Wait i dont have one lol I cant tell if its bypassed or not But i dont really feel like tapping into my dc sports header to install one. But would a o2 sensor really make my car run so lean it backfires at high rpm? o0
