college humor


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well although college humor is a really great site and i have seen tons of videos from them, please dont link to there site for a video....the video is gone after like a week or so and it just becomes a useless post....instead, find out the name of the video and find it somewhere else online.......that way i dont spend 20 min. sorting through the dead link before i actually get to see a video....thnx


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damn you all!!!


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I like you, when i take over the world your death will be quick and painless


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atr3yusxe said:
well although college humor is a really great site and i have seen tons of videos from them, please dont link to there site for a video....the video is gone after like a week or so and it just becomes a useless post....instead, find out the name of the video and find it somewhere else online.......that way i dont spend 20 min. sorting through the dead link before i actually get to see a video....thnx

so lemme see if i get what your want us to go out of our way to find videos (videos that we probbly just happened upon in the first place, but still felt like sharing) then link it, so that you (a noob to this site) dont have to waste 20 minutes on a dead link??

you know there are more sites out there on that crazy thing called "internet" of them is google...maybe you should try going to that site, and searching for movies yourself...i dunno, just an idea...but what do i know? :(


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exactly.....what do you know...if these movies are such a "happen upon" kinda thing then they probably aren't readily available. also the much easier thing to do is to right click the link and save the target to your comp and then use the "internet' and "google" and there are millions of pages that will let you upload the file onto there server that doesn't get rid of it for a really long time.....believe me....thats how you get videos on most of these sites.....and it takes less than 20 minutes.......and who are you callin a noob.....this is a new name for me on the site cause i forgot my old one.....i've been postin on here for 3 years so STFU u dont know what your talkin about


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wow....i wish i had thought of a reply as cool and original as this has so much depth and meaning i love it :::falls over dead from the sarcasim::::

I"M WITH STUPID :arrow: "flappy188"


Ride or Die
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lol this is such a dumb thread, can we delete this whole thing??? Useless!


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atr3yusxe said:
and i dont like you....your death will be slow and very painful

i wonder if people like you even realize how retarded they sound when they talk like that..."your death will be slow and very painful"... and why is that? are you actually gonna do something about it to make sure of it? no, no your not...

and maybe your not a noob, but 39 posts in 6 months isnt exactly being an active member of the site...if you want videos, go search and find them yourself, dont complain like a little b***h...


Irish Devil
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:wtf: why is this n00b tryin to tell us how to post videos in a thread??? Guess what junior...most of us on here arent postin videos for the long haul...I dont care if you can view it 2 months from now....If its cool NOW, then Ill post it...Ill get a few responses...then life goes on...everyone forgets about it....why do I care that you cant view it next week?....I dont...And if there is such an abundance of servers that will allow remote linking to videofiles (and there arent) then you do it and quit cryin......and as far as n00b status...If you think I am gonna go through all that bother for YOU!!!!!! ARE a n00b!!!


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Blue Hatch said:
i wonder if people like you even realize how retarded they sound when they talk like that..."your death will be slow and very painful"... and why is that? are you actually gonna do something about it to make sure of it? no, no your not...

and maybe your not a noob, but 39 posts in 6 months isnt exactly being an active member of the site...if you want videos, go search and find them yourself, dont complain like a little b***h...

well usually i dont post here because it takes so freakin long to find anything decent to talk about.....usually i go to or because they dont have DA's like you posting all over there sites.......and i'm not bitchin.......i was makin a simple suggestion lay off.....maybe u need a life if you have nothing to do but site here and defend a bunch of "n00bs" on this website


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DredwerkZ said:
:wtf: why is this n00b tryin to tell us how to post videos in a thread??? Guess what junior...most of us on here arent postin videos for the long haul...I dont care if you can view it 2 months from now....If its cool NOW, then Ill post it...Ill get a few responses...then life goes on...everyone forgets about it....why do I care that you cant view it next week?....I dont...And if there is such an abundance of servers that will allow remote linking to videofiles (and there arent) then you do it and quit cryin......and as far as n00b status...If you think I am gonna go through all that bother for YOU!!!!!! ARE a n00b!!!

what is the deal with callin people noobs.....i mean does it matter...and i can't link the video myself because 3/4 of them aren't even there......if i could i would gladly upload them.....and obviously you do care because if you didn't you would have just let it was an off hand comment made in a post and people are shitting themselves trying to prove there right when they know they aren't gonna change my mind


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and by the way......i have been using this avatar on other sites for like almost 2 years now so you take it off......i've just been to lazy to put it on here until like a week ago
