different type of compression, a compression test measures how well the engines vital parts are sealed. you need a compression tester, goes for about 30-40 bucks, its basically a pressure gauge that screws into your spark plug hole. you pull the fuse for the fuel pump, and hook up the compression tester, and turn the engine over until the pressure gauge stabilizes. repeat for all cylinders. readings should be within 10-20 psi of each other, if say you get a reading of 200-200-205-110 you know cylinder 4 has a leak. a blowby test is similar, but a compressed air hose is attached to the spark plug hole while the cylinder is at bdc with all valves closed. you then listen to see where, if any, air is leaking out. this can locate a bad head gasket, valve seals, rings, etc by finding out where the air is leaking from.