

New Member
can some please explain to me the basics of this website, im very lost:???:
i put up a post but why does only mine show an envelope with a black dot on the left????


New Member
Registered VIP
The black dot means its a thread you have posted in to help you keep track of conversations and threads you have commented in.


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Nope, we can post comments =).

Let us know if you need any more help. Welcome to ClubCivic!

(btw... +rep to emerican for helping out a newb.)

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New Member
Registered VIP
Welcome to the site man let me know if you need anytihng else.
Thanks joe everybdy was a noob at something at some point people usally only learn cause other people help them as well.


New Member
thank you guys, you guys should check out my thread "my 97 civic hatchback cx" under "your civic build/project" i would really apreciate any feedback n opinions =)
