I would like to warn all you honda lover's about craigslist. I was selling some rims an intake and a few other things on craigslist. This guy replied and say's im a very busy man so i'll have my secretary write you a check and you will recieve it soon. He said it will also include a movers fee ?? So he wanted me to cash the check take my cut give the movers the rest... Hmm im a nice guy and i do trust about anyone, but this guy was sending a fraud check the bank would of cashed it i would have got paid,but when they found out its a fake i would of had to pay the bank back. He would of got everything free. He used a gmail account after i said no its a fraud i never herd from him but the next day another guy tried the same thing also using a gmail account. I just saying if there is a 3rd party involved stay away if they cant meet you in person dont sale unless it's pay pal. Just becareful guy's i'd hate to hear of anyone getting burnt...