CTR Pistons, etc...


sTEalth MOde
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My friend just re-built his B16 motor. Put some CTR pinstons a 1/4 in. bigger, Skunk 2 intake manifold, AEM Cam gears w/ new timing belt, AEM pulleys, NGK plugs w/ new distributer cap, new Clucthnet cluth with new flywheel, had the Head re-grinded and clean out all the valves, red valve cover jdm, new water and oil pump, DC exhaust manifold 4-2-1, change the OBD II computer to OBD I w/ performance chip. Already had AEM intake, 5Zingen exhaust, short shifter and MSD wires. Cost him $4,600 including labor.

The mechanic says he should be able to take Ford GT 4.6, RSX -Type S, Celica GTS, Integra Type R, etc.... once he breaks in the motor with 1000 miles cause it's like new now. But he still needs a rev limiter cause of the new computer he doesn't have that any more.

I just wanted to know what u guys think of the upgrades and the money he spent. I not braggin about what he did to his car. Just looking for some feed back. Will take pics later and post. them.

I drove his car, freaking feels sweet, powerful and sounds really nice. Couldn't punch it though.


JDM yo!
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boo go back to russia.!!
j/k yeah i drove it look it feels really nice im stealthsi009 lil bro 8) so yeah


Dirty South Side
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Sounds like he needs some cams, and nothing else really. It sounds like a pretty sweet NA motor to me. Oh, maybe some porting and blueprinting or something, but thats expensive. =)


Jack Load
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Is the car tunned it? Because those cam gears are all for not without tunning =) Sounds Nice set up. He should be beating Type r and Type s like it aint no thang. I slighty moded Si could beat a Gts so. Good luck :welcome: =)


professional a*****e
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the aem pulleys will turn his motor to s**t in about 6 months (ever hear of the harmonic balancer???). aem cam gears are crap...they only make good intakes. some crower cams, titanium valve springs/retainers, and a type-r header will make it better.
