custom turbo prices vary, due to the wide variety of parts and sources for them....
the cheapest a new greddy kit would cost for your em1 is around 2 grand. this does not include bov, intercooler, etc. but does include the greddy e-manage
Turbo will cost you 2 grand perhaps. A new engine a few months after buying that turbo will probably cost you a couple more grand too. I know you're driving an SI, but please, reinforce your engine.
a custom kit depends on the quality of the parts. yea, and dont raise the efficiency on your boost controller past 65% unless you ar built gor it. friend did that recently i hear and f**ked his s**t up. need more info though. he had the rev hard kit and a fully built engine. damn detonation!!!
holy shiet, so im looking at about 2-3gs includein bov and intercooler, whats the greddy e-manage? and i should run about 6-8 psi as a daily driver right? has a bomb ass turbo kit for your Civic... i really recommend checking it out... if i ever get my civic, this is the turbo kit id put on it
i am doing a custom turbo kit on my is what i have tallied up:
t25 turbo-free
dsm intercooler-free
piping and bov-free
rc injectors-300 or so
fuel pump-ehh not so sure
boost controller-250
hondata w/boost-550
turbo manifold-150
i think that is it. you will also need custom exhaust piping done and some other lil things. i'm sure i am missing a thing or two, but i hope this helps