Ok. I might not have any pic, but i can give you an idea of what to do......you have to obviously take the wheel out, then there's going to be a large nut in the center of the brake disk (careful now, it has a dink in it that locks it to the axel, so you have to take the dink out (dink = dent). 2. after taking that nut out (probaby using a 23 or 24 mm socket) you have to move the brake calliper out of the way, and loosen the control arms. 3. After all that, loosen the bottom bolt that holds the strut in place. after all that, just slide the cv axel out of the brake rotor and the transmision. the do everything in reverse order with the new axel.
ok i know i wasn't thurough, but please keep in mind that it was just so u have an idea of what u have to do. If you want complete instructions, i'm pretty sure that you can get them at