D15B7 leaking oil and knocking.


New Member
Hi, I just bought a 1993 Honda civic with the D15B7 engine. Today I took it for a ride for about 30 minutes and noticed that it smelled like oil and coolant. I looked while it was idle and my friend was driving it and when I'm accelerating there's white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe. I popped the hood and noticed a BIG oil leaking that seems to come from the headers on the left (where cylinder number 4 would be) and near where the valve covers closes. Not sure where it was leaking I took an old piece of clothe to wipe it down and see where it would drip from, thing is, as soon as I wipped it off and started driving again the motor started knocking each time I'd take off or shift (Low rpm). I took it to my nearest friends garage who luckily was 2 blocks away and stopped driving it to prevent damaging it.

My guess is that I either have a blown head gasket, exhaust header gasket or something is wrong with my valve cover or head. This being my first car I am rather clueless what it could be and what suddently caused the knocking.. So I'd like to hear what you guys think about this and how i could go about on fixing this.

I also checked my oil level which was close to full and not of a ''milky'' color.

Any ideas? Your help would be greatly appreciated. =)

Edit : While this isn't my car, pretty much this whole area is covered with oil and old oil on this area of the engine.

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New Member
Distributor o ring is probably leaking. White smoke is probably head gasket. The knock is probably a rod knock due to low oil pressure from the severe leaks. Whoever you bought it from likely overfilled the oil to compensate for the leak and now it's close to full after burning/leaking the excess. Hope you didn't overpay. I'd suggest taking it to a mechanic ASAP.

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New Member
I wouldn't be. It's either knocking or it isn't. It's gonna pop if it is. If you catch it early enough, you can get the crank polished/turned and slide in new bearings. Or do like my buddy did and just toss in new bearings and say f it. Depends on your budget and goals. If you budget is decent, you can always swap in a more desirable engine. That's if it's actually knocking. Hit a shop and see what's actually wrong. I was just tossing out ideas in this and my last post. It's hard to diagnose a problem over the internet without more details. Let alone multiple issues that could be stemming from one thing originally but turned into more.

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