d16/jdm 16 motor..? worh it or not


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ok guys i have a i guess d16 motor its a JDM civic motor pics here
anyways it has a TDO4 turbo/intercooler and all, fuel stuff upgraded and all, its running 6 psi.
i'm wanting to know- is it worth having this motor built better? and getting a heavy duty head gasket and stuff so i dont break it.... im paranoid that i'll break something or screw s**t up since i have a " nascar " like driving style (fast and race anything that movies on the road , lol )



Not Fittin In...
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milage on that motor? and how about a lil more boost? do u get teh boost bug?


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36k on motor..... i think i need a fuel rail.... when i dont get up on it, and drive normal shifting at 3-4rpm, my motor feels like its about to die..... =\ i can only think of fuel rail.. ?


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nah its not the fuel rail. don't worry about that. he doesn't state what he's running for management tho.. thats a BIG concern. i can't tell what injectors are in from the pic but u need to find out what its running for management.. on a bad mangament you can KILL an engine with as little as 2lbs.

get back to me on that and we'll go from there

ps. im not sure if its a 'jdm' motor.. but read the engine code stamp on the front of the block. its on the left by the tranny. post that aswell


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thank you.... the injectors look stock and rusted like hell.... but i'll take pic tomorrow from work and post them, along with engine code and stuff.


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i think he was trying to show the injectors. ya they do look like stock injectors.

did u get that engine code?

oh and btw.. your running an fmu..its that round black thing mounted on your firewall. ..and is BY FAR THE WORST ENGINE MANEGEMENT!! u need to upgrade that asap. get that engine code so we can talk about tuning options


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engine code: " ZC " my friend said it was a d16zc.... sohc.
ok which fuel system thing should i get? no wonder my car has been acting weird... thanks!


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sorry btw, should i'm getting new spark plugs, should i get 450cc injectors too?


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well u won't be able to just swap in the 450's without changing something else. the fmu is setup at a fixed rate. so but doubling the cc of the injector you'll be running insanely rich.
the 450's are obd1.. usually requiring obd1 clips and a resistor box for install(besides a fuel management that can handle them) but i have no idea if the zc is obd1 or obd0
. you are correct, it IS a jdm motor.

for obd0 u can have your ecu socketed and tuned with a program called chrome.. theres another obd0 one but i forgot the name

for obd1 u can have it socketed and tune with uberdata. from what i heard uber is a bit above chrome and the other obd0 guy so u could pick up a conversion harness but im sure its not necessary.

only problem might be finding someone who can tune it for you. its best and safest to have it tuned on a dyno with a wideband but it is possible to self tune starting with someone's uploaded map. the software is free and u can purchase a chip burner and a socketing kit. my friend has been self tuned for almost 9 months now

i would suggest posting on www.turbod16.com in the fuel management section. there are some insanely knowledgable guys there and i know they'll be able to give you 100% of the answers.

i hope this helps some,



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thanks alot yeah i've been talking to those guys too....
yeah today i talked to a couple people around my area, who do obd2 to obd1 conversions and all....
even right now, i'm running rich... i think thats why i am have a clogging issue when i granny shift and dont get up on it.. cuz i'm running to rich?...
but anyhow, i'm planning on doing the hondata system. i just need to get some cash flowing in here... ( i bought my parents house today ) so i need to becareful on my finances.
thanks for all your help.... if you have AIM, MSN, yahoo anything, could you PM me it? i'd love to have you on my blist, if you dont mind. =)


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ya i'll shoot ya a pm with it. be sure to update me with more info and plans on what your gonna do

