D16Y7 turbo?


New Member
Hey forum! I have a 1995 Honda civic CX with a d16Y7, I want to turbo it but I need some direction
On what kind of turbo kit I should I get it. Any advice would be much appreciated!! Thanks so much guys!


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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5+ Year Member
Honestly, swap in a better engine first. The y7 doesn't make much and even boosted u won't be faster then a z6. And hats not saying much. At least boost a z6 or an LS. You will be muc happier I promise.

Sleeper EG8

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5+ Year Member
I was thinking the same thing man I have a 92 eg8 with a d16y7. Decided if I don't swap it out for an b20/ls swap. I'm just going to install a y8 head and call it a day haha.

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