d16y8 intake manifold won't line up


New Member
I'm new here just trying to get some advice.
I have a 2000 civic ex in which a few months ago one of the four cylinders died, so I purchased a d16y8 out of a 1996 honda civic ex, and it turns out that the intake manifolds have a different number of sensors... So I put the 2000 d16y8 manifold on the 1996 motor because it had the right number of sensors, but it doesn't line up correctly at all and I have an enormous vacuum leak!! So any advice would be great, what do I do!? Thanks


New Member
post pics and i beleive the vaccum leak u are hearing is the holes from the seccondary air injection holes on the intake u have to take it off and plug the small holes next to the injectors..


New Member
I got it all figured out, I took the 96 intake manifold which had an automatic iac valve which is connected to the throttle body removed the throttle body put the 2000 throttle body on the 96 mani, took the iac valve off the 2000 intake mani drilled holes into the 96 intake mani and connected the iac valve to the 96 intake mani and put it all back together and it runs perfectly fine now lol just took a little work...


New Member
good to hear u should do a write up for others... just a sujestion glad everithing worked out for you


New Member
Registered VIP
glad to hear you got it worked out i was just about to ask you if you knew they differed from auto to manual.
