D16y8 JRSC - Puttering after 5k rpm, help?


Rubbin on yo booty
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Here's one for you guys...

D16y8 with a Jackson Racing Supercharger.

Everything is fine with it, BUT after 5k rpm at WOT the engine seems to putter and exhaust pops going up to redline. Performance in this range seems to not exist and the engine seems like it's crying for help. Anybody got any ideas? I've just picked up this car, and have yet to go under the hood... Just seeing some feedback and ideas of what it can be when I wake up to read this in the morning.

Thanks CC! =D


Rubbin on yo booty
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Okay, after thinking about it while I was sleeping last night, it's obviously something with spark or fuel. Still haven't gone under the hood yet (since im at work now), but I will later today. It's possible that it's a fuel filter issue, fuel rail issue, or fuel injector issue. To the spark side... Could be a worn coils, cap, rotor, plugs, etc etc... Blah blah, I'll check on these later today.


Rubbin on yo booty
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What I really need to know is if there's something that the S/C can be doing to effect this? I've never dealt with a S/C'ed motor so not too much insight on that.

Anyone with a S/C willing to chime in?


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i dont have a s/c car. But when i would be WOT around 6K my car would do the same thing your car does. Turned out my plugs were gettin fouled out hella fast( almost everytime every few times i hit boost) also a wire in my dis cap was kinked.

. So check the plugs and the dis. cap.

i would say just throw in a brand new set of plugs and hit boost and see what happens, it its still happing its probly fuel. are u running a stock fuel pump?


Rubbin on yo booty
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So I finally decided to get my hands dirty and dove under the hood. First logical thing I decided to check for is the grounds. Well what do you know, there was only one ground wire from battery to chassis... Wow, what an easy fix! So obvious yet so simple, i grabbed myself some good old 0 gauge wire, a washer with a wire krimp deal, ran a ground wire from the battery to the tranny. That some what fixed the problem, the engine revs freely up to about 6500 or so... up a little higher has a little hesitation but I'm pretty sure with some TLC, and rewires grounds, I'll have her running like a champ!


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does the car have any sort of fuel management? fmu? or anything? whats the heat rating on the spark plugs? how much boost?


Rubbin on yo booty
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As in fuel management, you mean any type of management that'll control fuel regulation correct? If so, then yes, it's running a AEM EMS, 1 step colder plugs, and as for spark wise, it has a MSD blaster coil. Runs 6lbs.

Problem solved, the engine didn't have a strong enough ground to either chassis nor battery. I just made some temporary fix grounds until probably this weekend, I'll go out and buy some of those fat ass ground wires they use for car audio. Probably grind/sand down chassis and motor points where the grounds connect so they'll get a good connection. Hopefully she'll drive like how I want her to drive!
