d16z6 upercharge?


New Member
So i have been debating on a few things lately ether boosting the d series or swapping it out. Then my buddy came across a Jackson Racing supercharger kit threw someone he knew. Whats included with the kit is the supercharger and the blower. He said that the snout pulley is slightly gouged up, the idle vacuum valve is not mounted and theres no idler pulley's. I'm not familiar with these at all and from what i have read many people say go boost. I'm not asking to debate what is better at all.. he said he would let it go for 350 bucks because he needs money asap for a build he's doing. What i wanna know is what all else would i need for it?. It would just be going onto a d16z6 engine bone stock but low miles and very well taken care of. Also would it be hard to find those pulleys that need replaced? I been considering this real hard for the past couple days so any info would help or maybe even a build thread of something similar.

EG Hatch

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5+ Year Member
If you had a d15 then I would swap. As far as supercharging, you will be disappointed due to it being a small engine and limited Boost of the S/C. 350 is a decent price but by the sounds of it you are missing a lot but I would need a pic to confirm. Pulleys usually cost around $50 new for a supercharger.

My 2 Cents
I would personally turbo the d16z6. You can put a Junkyard Turbo setup on it for around 1G and max out the block at 225whp. On top of the 350 you still need to buy injectors and what not. Either way you're spending close to the same amount give or take 200. I am not including ECU Tunes because this varies on the tuner.


New Member
Thanks for the info Eg Hatch.. I personally would rather have a turbo set up as well. A few of my friends run some of the Ebay set ups and surprisingly there doing well. I have also been considering one of those even though most of the forums i have been reading everyone states not to. Other times the people i have came across that actually run some of the set ups don't have any issues at all and haven't. I'm not one of those people who thinks its bolt on and go.. I was in the dsm scene for about 3 years and got a pretty good amount of hands on experience with working with them. So you think boost over supercharge would be better in the long wrong for the z6?
